The Roadblock to Health and Success
Existence is a relationship we are smack dab in the middle of.
How we respond to the circumstances of our lives, or our attitude
largely determines our ability to stay focused, set goals and achieve them.

There's Levels to This Stress
Stress is a natural response that we feel when faced with a perceived threat or challenge, to help keep us focused, alert, and able to react quickly when faced with Danger.
Too much stress on the other hand, takes a toll on the body and mind, leading to fatigue, trouble focusing and a whole host of health problems.
Everyone sees through Their own Lens
Each of us has our own set of experiences and thoughts that shape how we interpret and understand the world, as well as our Stress Response.
Experiences can be completely different depending on perception. A deadline may seem like a stimulating challenge to one person, while to another, it may be a source of overwhelming stress.

does stress just happen?
Understanding Stress and The Power of Choice
When we are stressed, it is difficult to give our bodies and minds the energy they require to perform as well as we would like. Coach Kelly’s unique metrics-based program will help you to identify opportunity areas and see the choice in our response to consciously direct the flow of energy in a more productive way.

Get Metrics on Your Average Resonating Energy
Stress is a complex phenomenon that involves both the external events that happen in our lives and internal responses that are our internal emotional responses.’
Core Energy Coaching begins with a proprietary Assessment tool called the Energy Leadership Index Assessment (ELI). The ELI measures your overall average energy and stress response in different situations and areas of your life. Based on 40 years of research the ELI is research driven and backed by metrics that confirm it to be a accurate predictor of success.
The Energy Leadership Index Assessment
Gain clarity and control over your life, energy and focus of attention.
Discover your unique energy patterns and learn how to transform them.
Take the first step towards a more balanced life and learn more about the ELI now.