Stress and the ELI Raps

Yo, let me break it down, stress is like a thief,
Stealing your energy, causing mischief and grief.
It activates your fight or flight response,
Revving up your adrenaline, taking its toll in the long run, no defense.
It affects your cortisol levels, messin’ with your sleep,
Leaving you feeling tired, weak, and unable to think deep.
But don’t fret, there are ways to take back control,
Manage your stress, and keep your energy on a roll.
Exercise, meditate, and find a balance in your life,
Elevate your mood, reduce stress, and reduce the strife.
Stay focused, stay cool, and keep your energy high,
You got this, ain’t no stress gonna make you cry.

Yeah, listen up, I got a story to tell,
’bout the power of choice and how it can help you excel.
See, when you’re faced with a situation,
You got the power to choose your reaction.
You can let it control you, bring you down and make you feel low,
Or you can rise above it, let it go and let your energy flow.

So when life throws you a curveball, don’t just stand there and freeze,
Make a choice, take action, and unleash your energy with ease.
Don’t let stress and negative thoughts bring you down,
You got the power, turn it around and wear that crown.

Be the master of your mind, and your destiny will unfold,
Unlock your potential, and let your energy unfold.
You got this, don’t let anyone or anything hold you back,
Make a choice, and bring your energy to the max.

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